Vivo V21 Pro’s India launch is reportedly imminent. The launch was tipped by an industry insider but didn’t specify the exact date of the launch of the smartphone in India. Vivo has already launched the V21 5G and the V21e 5G in India. However, the specifications of the smartphones haven’t been revealed as of now and this is the first time any information about the smartphone has come into the limelight. The tipster also hinted at the launch of the Vivo X70 in September, when IPL 2021 returns.
Talking to 91Mobiles, tipster Yogesh hinted at the India launch of the Vivo V21 Pro. The tipster claims that the upcoming Vivo smartphone may be launched towards the end of July 2021. Yogesh also claimed that he learnt about the launch of the Vivo V21 Pro a couple of weeks ago. Going by the timeline, the design and specifications of the V21 Pro should be revealed starting next month.
Vivo, in April this year, launched its V21 5G smartphone in India. The smartphone runs Funtouch OS 11, based on Android 11. It sports a 6.44-inch full-HD+ AMOLED display with 90Hz refresh rate. Under the hood, it packs a MediaTek Dimensity 800U SoC with 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB of inbuilt storage. It sports a triple rear camera setup, headlined by a 64-megapixel primary sensor. It packs a 4,000mAh battery with 33W FlashCharge fast charging.
Following the launch of the Vivo V21 5G, India witnessed the launch of the Vivo V21e. The smartphone also runs Android 11-based Funtouch OS 11. The Vivo V21e sports a 6.44-inch full-HD+ AMOLED display. Under the hood, it is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 700 SoC paired with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of onboard storage. The dual rear camera is headlined by a 64-megapixel primary sensor. It packs a 4,000mAh battery with 44W fast charging.
Yogesh had earlier tipped that Vivo may launch the Vivo X70 in September, in a partnership with IPL. The remainder of the 2021 edition of IPL is slated to be held in September and October. Vivo is also a sponsor for IPL, so it won’t be surprising to see the brand launch the Vivo X70 series in line with IPL.