WhatsApp is reportedly working on letting users pause voice recordings while they are being recorded, through a future update. The alleged update will let users pause and resume recording their voice message right from where they had paused. Furthermore, the instant messaging service is also reportedly working on fixing an issue with chat backups. A Reddit user has detailed the steps required to solve the issue where chat backups from Google Drive were stuck at 100 percent while being restored.
WABetaInfo, a WhatsApp features tracker, reported that users may soon be able to pause and resume recording their voice messages. The Facebook-owned chat app’s new feature will be released for beta users on Android and iOS soon. The website also mentioned that since this feature is still under development, it may take some time to even reach the beta versions of the app.
The above video, shared by the website, shows how the feature will allegedly work once it is released. After recording a voice message, WhatsApp users will see another record button that will let users resume recording their voice message. There is no information about when the feature will begin rolling out for beta and stable versions of WhatsApp.
Furthermore, a Reddit user (u/torojet) has shared the process through which users can fix the issue where their chat backup restoration was stuck at 100 percent. This process was spotted by WABetaInfo. If a user’s chat backup restoration is stuck at 100 percent, they may not be able to back up their chats during this period, potentially losing out on important messages. Below are the steps a user should take to fix the issue.
How to fix WhatsApp’s chat backup from Google Drive issue
Unlink WhatsApp Account from Google Drive.
Rename the most recent database to mgstore.db – without changing the .crypt extension. This database can be found using a file manager.
Install WhatsApp using the same mobile number.
Since WhatsApp and Google Drive are unlinked, the chat app will use the local database to restore the chats.
Once restored, users can link WhatsApp and Google Drive through the backup settings in the app.
Does WhatsApp’s new privacy policy spell the end for your privacy? We discussed this on Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you get your podcasts.
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